The Power of Soft Skills: The aspect of Skill Training that empowers students for Professional Success

Schools don’t teach students life skills ; skills which are equally important if not more important than the regular subjects taught.
Dr. Abhishek Karmali has over two decades of experience dealing with students at the Higher Education Level in Goa having worked as the Head of the management department at one of Goa's top undergraduate management colleges. Besides his experience in the field of academics he has also worked in the corporate sector with exposure to diverse areas like Finance, Advertising and Shipping & Logistics. In terms of his educational qualification he is a PhD with an MBA at the Post Graduation Level. Currently Dr. Karmali has set up his own enterprise by the name Career Crafters which specialises in Career Counseling and Skills Training.
Schools don’t teach students life skills ; skills which are equally important if not more important than the regular subjects taught.